The infantry under the Reign of Charles Emmanuel III


par Jean Cerino Badone

Kingdom of Sardinia there were kinds of infantry regiment:

Contingents of permanent service

Soldiers of the Royal House;

Regiment of National Ordinance:

The recruits of these regiments (infantry, cavalry and artillery) are raised with national volunteers;

Regiment of Foreign Infantry:

The foreign regiments are raised with the usual sistem of the Capitolations, but the regiments are not created for a single campaign but they have to exist for many years.

Regiment of Invalids:

This Corp, raised in 1710 (some compagnies were still in existence since 1685) is sited distribuited into the municipal fortress.

Contingents of temporal service

Regiment of Provincial Infantry;

Raised with men of an age beetween 18 and 40 years old. They, during the year, have to assemble twice times.


This old corps, created before the Provincial Infantry, is without a firm ordinament, and it is raised only in particolary dangerous case.


Jean Cerino Badone